I went back and put the same info in again and it gave me a different date. This must be another scam from the WT. HEHE
check this out!.
i guess i'm off to the wild blue yonder in 2028,march 11th kinda creepy.
I went back and put the same info in again and it gave me a different date. This must be another scam from the WT. HEHE
check this out!.
i guess i'm off to the wild blue yonder in 2028,march 11th kinda creepy.
I have consulted with the GB and they concur. Armegedon will occur on Thursday September 17, 2020. For me anyhow. Man I'll only be 52 years old!
I hope this is another case of WT cronology gone bad. HEHE
there i was sitting down thinking about nothing then a lump appeared in my trousers,ow no i mouthed no,.
just then i heard in the distance a brother say and now the song number will be ???????
i was in agony, no no i pleaded with myself nice thoughts nice thoughts,i squeezed him but he wouldnot go down, i pinched my hands and still no luck,everyone else was watching me ,as i was the only one sitting with my hands claspedacross my lap,.
I had the same thing happen to me when I was a teenager. There were several extremely beautiful "sisters" in our cong.
I always took notes on loose leaf notebook paper. If this situation arose (hehe) I would conveniently drop them when I stood for the song. This gave me the excuse: I wanted to get them gathered up before the next part of the meeting (or assembly), so that I would not be a distraction to others around me.
Although you had to be real careful to kneel down and NOT bend over. I swear I nearly broke IT in two the first time I tried to bend over to (ah-hem) gather things up.
If there are any adolescent jw's reading this post. Take my advice it worked for me, and it will work for you too. HEHEHE By the way what are you boys doing reading this anyhow. Don't you know reading stuff like this will make you go blind?
Forgiven One
well, my daughter decided to write they letter.
the foundation for this letter can be found in my previous thread a couple of days ago which can be found at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=44457&site=3.. she wrote her heart and gave them some good counsel.
she was generous and kind in her comments, yet concise and to the point.
Yes indeed, you should be very proud of your daughter. It is good to that there are those who can use scriptural text in the upright manner for which it was intended.
As for the elders, I highly doubt that they will even consider this letter legitimate. From their point of view it will most likely be considered another example of apostate reasoning. They are as closed minded as the pharisees Christ chastised at the temple in Jerusalem.
Who knows maybe your ex son-in-law will have the oppurtunity to see it. Maybe it will open his eyes. You just never know really, stranger things have happened.
Once again a superb letter. Give her a pat on the back from all of us here.
Forgiven One
hello, i've been a lurker for about a year now and finally decided to register and start posting.
i don't have time to tell my story right now, but plan on doing so soon.
i guess i'm putting it off as i'm not sure where to start without it being a book.
Welcome Icansaylucky,
I am new here also.
Here is what I've seen in all the poat I've read.
1. Everyone shares the bond of being ex-jw's. There are a few exceptions. Mainly they are here because of family members ties to the borg.
2. With this bond comes compassion. We're all here to help each other. Unlike the org we left.
3. Everyone has a great personality.
4. This is a very imformative forum regarding jw issues, past and present.
So once again I say welcome. Look forward to seeing your posts. In the meantime kick back and enjoy.
Forgiven One
accidentally found this while searching for information on one of the society's shell corporations:.
the ravine area was named after john teeter, who built a mill complex here, circa 1810. in his mill, mr. teeter was able to produce oil, flour, and grist.
in the late 1800s, some areas near the ravine were used as a rock quarry.
I never knew of these retreats either. But it does not suprise me to hear of them now. The WT surely new this was a good investment and capitilized on it. The donated money has to go somewhere, why not in an investment such as real estate. If they grew beyond their current houseing and publishing capabilities, they had the land to expand. If as we see they did'nt grow as rapidly as they had hoped, it could be sold and at a tidy profit. It then is turned around and re-invested in something else. They were smart to do this. With all the currnet legal issues involving the child molestation they may need this reserve of money. While they have not been held accountable for many things in the courts, I believe with all the other such scandels in other religions, their time has run out. People are tired of seeing this happen and churches not accept responsibilty. They had to know this time would come. Even their "Old Light" was bright enough to show the GB this would happen.
now that my decision to leave the organization is made, there is definitely a sense of relief.
i know i'm leaving a controlling organization, not my faith in god.
so i'm still praying at various times during the day, but it has become a very odd thing now.
I left the jw's 13 years ago, and did'nt pray for about well 13 years.
See my wife had died, and then my son died also 18 months later. I was 22 and a very angry and bitter person. I began to believe that jw's were right " If you not in jw's you dont have a right to pray. " Especially if you were once a "believer" and strayed. So as a result I drifted, in every aspect of life.
A few months ago I decided I could no longer live this way. After much mental debate, I simply began praying the Lords Prayer. Mathew 6:9-15
See by doing this I was able to open the line of communication to God, using the prayer from this scripture as a guideline. As time went on I began to feel more free to express myself in prayer.
I admit there are still times when it is difficult to aproach prayer without thinking of all the jw rhetoric. That's when I pray for them, I pray that I'm able to forgive them just as I am forgiven. Why some may ask, the answer is simple. No matter how mislead they are, they are still Gods children also. No matter what the GB or org. has done they are entitled to the same hope as the rest of us. Granted they must first repent, and accept responsibility for their actions. But this will never happen without Devine intervention. So when I feel my anger creeping in, I pray. Don't get me wrong I detest what they have done to so many people and families in the name of their religion. But I refuse to let it consume me. If I allow it to consume me, then they are still a force in my life. A negative one, but still a force. I only want one force in my life and that is Gods.
But in order to feel that force you have to ask for it in prayer. Even though God can read our hearts motivation, we still need to afirm it before him to ourselves. So don't your temperary confusion cause you to lose your relationship with our Heaveny Father. He will help all those who seek refuge in him, key words SEEK HIM.
Hopefully this will help you through the trying times ahead.
i left the borg 13 years ago, at age 22. after my wife had died of cancer, i started seeing a "worldly" female.
(i was teetering in the borg at the time.
) well we ended up becoming very intimate.
I left the borg 13 years ago, at age 22. After my wife had died of cancer, I started seeing a "worldly" female. (I was teetering in the borg at the time.) Well we ended up becoming very intimate. After having been assimilated for 20 of my 22 years I felt the need to confess. Well it ended up b4 a judicial committee, during which I was informed that I would never see my wife in the "new system" unless I broke ties with my female friend(my wonderful wife of 12 years now), faced my discipline, and threw myself into the "kingdom" effort. I had to stop and think about what kind of loving God would empower men to say such things. The answer was NONE! Men empowered these men, NOT GOD. Of course it has taken me 13 years to come to a peace with myself and more importantly with God. This peace now allows me to visit wonderful sites like this, where I can finally see that there is many more like me. Don't get me wrong I'm not sure one can ever fully recover all that is lost to their theocraptic indoctrination, aka: brainwashing. I have a dificult time knowing how to deal with my mother, she is still "in the truth". I was never formally D/F or D/A that I know of, so she still stays in contact. This is ok I suppose, but sometimes I just want to slap her and scream WAKE UP!
I look forward to getting to know others here. It's been a long road but I finally feel like a Forgiven One. Forgiven by both myself and God, for turning my back on Him after I turned my back on them.
I would also like to go on with my story, but it is getting late. I will post more as time goes by.
Edited by - Forgiven One on 15 January 2003 0:36:20
often we had threads that said, "what if we are wrong"?
but lets reverse the question and ask, "what would happen if they realized that they were completely wrong"?
imagine 6 million people not knowing where to look anymore for spiritual guidance.
lately is observed some small growth in wts troops.
any idea what is causing it?
i've heard that an age of baptized new members has dropped and 9/11 makes an impact.
My last theory had too many holes in it. So here is a new one.
The WTBS will need to do an audit of cong service reports to verify though.
Elders make them up to keep CO and DO off their back.